Sunday, September 15, 2013

DFW Pythoneers 2nd Saturday Teaching Meeting, September 14, 2013

We had 11 Pythoneers show up for DFW Pythoneers 2nd Saturday Teaching Meeting. A special shout out to Jose and Jim from KForce Technology for setting us up with a great conference room and refreshments.

John Zurawski covered the news and interesting projects occurring in the Python world. He also covered his latest entry in the Ludum Dare contest and went into about his challenges with Python application installers. (John also loaned his Apple Mini DisplayPort to VGA Adapter to me which allowed me to present on the projector. Thanks a million, John!)

I made a presentation on Python Challenges and covered another step in solving the OpenHatch Scrabble Challenge.

If you missed the meeting due to the time change, please be aware that the scheduling may vary based on the venue, so double check the time and location for each individual meetup. KForce offered us great venue in a very central location, so it's probable that we will met here in the future and 1:00 PM is the closing time on Saturday. If you have any firm alternative sites please suggest them to either John, Kevin, Jeff or myself. We need room for 25 people, WiFi, a projector and restrooms.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Chris!

    Thank you SO MUCH for the tip on using executemany() in Sqlite3. That tip took a 3 hour running process for me, and turned it into 25 seconds!

    Thanks again!
